Which type of phighting player are you? PART 2 (kinda getting specific now)
Whats the best MVP you have on a character you play/played?
Which type of phighting player are you? (But gets specific)
i drew medkit
Bro they REALLY hate skateboard.
infinite skate tech 🥶🥶 no clickbait
omg boombox what how did he
Favourite character named after a weapon? (Favorite
Before and After
Playing Phighting on a school laptop (2nd place)
What specific genre is Psychosis
I have hired this skateboard to stare at you
What’s the reason why you main your character/ characters (image unrelated)
My oc Star cannon! (based of confetti canon) Chart by k01_luckmp3 (if i spelt it right)
Wyd if you went to Slingshot’s cafe and he pulls up with this 😭😭😭
Who is this? (Wrong answers only >:> )
Its all a lie its all fake
I can’t stop laughing at this image help
I started playing phitghting today, any tips for mobile or character recommendations?
Found someone with a very, very, very, interesting username
Banhammer brainrot edit ! Flash warning
Throwback to my first ever mvp 25/6/24 (sword)
How do I stop Hyperventilating and calm down my heart beat rate when i’m anxious