Klein needs go back to its roots and manufacture high quality made in USA tools
DARK MODE IS HERE!!! 1. Get the latest update. 2. Restart. 3. Enable UI themes in preview features. 4. Restart. 5. Under General, select the theme, and click Ok. 6. Celebrate!
I collected scraps of #4 copper bare from service upgrades and casted them into a bullion brick
Multi tool pen set - trash or great EDC?
Starting 3rd shift next week. What do you do when you get home?
I 3D printed IBEW coasters for my dad for Christmas
What's your opinion on this?
First layer not adhering
3D printed a holder for Challenge coin
My Klein’s turned 100 this year
She's a beaut.....and you can't change that.
House key mod for Roxon Flex Companion. I did it!
Roxon Flex Companion
Is this true? You can’t use the free version of Fusion 360 for 3D printing?
What do yall think
Does anyone have experience with a wire stripper like this?
Fuck me tuesdays
What dissolves foam in a conduit.
Can I safely use a 3-prong cord with my replacement range?
Would it be safe to use a 3-Way Outlet Splitter on a power strip to charge Ryobi batteries?
Pallet of returned tools
New kline strippers suck
Garage GFCI tripping question
Price for gfci outlet?
Doorbell Transformer