if you could choose, what flavor would your dk/pssy be?
What's your favourite design on a blanket? Do you prefer thick/heavy or thin/light blankets?
Are you more of a nonchalant or anxious person?
Hey there gamers. What are you playing lately?
what’s a phrase that really gets you going?
What movie could benefit from the addition of "in the butt" in its title?
If you could live in any fictional world for a month, which one would you choose and what would your daily life look like there?
What was the biggest turn on , head turner while walking ?
what’s a fantasy you’d try but realistically wouldn’t
Whats your worse romantic or sexual fumble?
Too much smut, time for a wholesome post. What makes you feel like a kid again?
why do men like being called daddy
The question is simple. Hentai, yay or nay?
i hate washing utensils
What’s something you don’t tell anyone irl but are open about on reddit?
what illegal car mod do you wish wasn’t illegal?
what’s socially acceptable but you think shouldn’t be?
What’s an argument you’re always ready to start?
What is your favorite hobby that doesn’t require internet? Why?
If you could instantly be an expert in any subject, what would it be?
Women of ARAD, what do you think is attractive about a man ? Physically, mentally, sexually whatever
What’s your preferred time of day to get off alone?
When did you realize you're a horrible person?
What is the most Bat shit craziest reddit post you have ever read?
What's the craziest thing you saw at work or school?