With an Election looming in the next 4 months....
My first tattoo, wasn’t happy with the hair, be honest is it bad?
Dětské vtípky - podělte se
If the average person went back in time what would they be able to invent?
Plat číšníka v Praze
Have you ever used a microwave at other than full power for certain amount of time? What was your experience?
Atheists of reddit what stopped you from being religious?
Fuck this I'm staying out of my paddock until it's winter because of this mf
How long before the US Kristallnacht happens?
‘Corporate greed’: Coles and Woolies push to scrap penalty rates
Jaký je nevtipnější/nejoriginálnější způsob, jak někomu říct, že je idiot?
Did white dog shit used to be a thing?
Capital City coat of arms - How do you rate them?
Western Australian man granted bail after displaying Nazi symbols in Adelaide neo-nazi rally
The girl I'm dating doesn't like onions. What simple recipes without onions would you recommend for me to cook for her?
Je mi z těch lidí tady opravdu na blití..
Zablokoval jsem auto a našel jsem lísteček za oknem. Platit nebo ne?
Jaký jsou vaše oblíbený typicky český věci?
I'm so frustrated with our fellow citizens. I want to engage them directly in conversation. Is that foolish?
What's the one cooking mistake you made as a beginner that you’ll never forget
Is Nations church a cult?
food combination you wouldnt expect to be AMAZING
What job pays surprisingly low for what they do?
WHY doesn’t chia swell in salty peppery acidic sauce?😭🤌🏻
Perth or Melbourne?, trying to decide