What is the most UNDERRATED Vultures era leak?
don't be this bs then bro ❤️
Today I learned I still have an old tab saved from the night Slide just dropped as a single on Yeezy.com
Best WAR comp
This song is great
What goon is this
$ome $exy $ongs totaled 24.8m spotify streams on it's 4th day..For comparison,Vultures 1 garnered 38.2M streams on it's 4th Day
Hot take: Vultures 2>$$$ 4 u
Is it only me or Spotify is actually glitching these days?
Favorite previewed BULLY song so far?
The album is NOT done for 🥷
Rant over.
Ty story...
just to cope
He’s thirsty
I made it guys
Omg she is so scared😔laugh if you need help😭
Cold asf
Vultures 1 is gonna be a classic in few years
Life if we became a Ty Dolla Subreddit for a week
Interview post removed
new ye insta post