Is this the most forgotten DFE at this point? He aged out quick, got forgotten, then his EZA was dead on arrival and nobody even cared
EZA Weaknesses for the 7th years
Dokkan Battle: PHY SSJ4 Goku & Vegeta Intro & Active Skill Epic Remix
Who should I wish for outta these 4 characters?
What should I build new AGL Gogeta in?
Who should I get with my pity coins?
Do you think there’ll ever be a Dr. Paparoni unit (with Koicéareta as his ult attack) that has Anilaza as his final counter?
They need to get rid of the AI in quickplay
What's his name?
why is this animation the only with a text font different than every other one? (or are there others?)
They made this guy too good
Aside the super ezas, it's kinda weird we got no eza announced for part 1 for now
Bringing back this series again. Guess the units. 1 is easy 2 and 3 is hard.
What should my rotations look like on this team?
Which of the new units is the most dupe reliant?
Damn, Cell ain't playing around after 3 turns
Why does everybody say Squirrel Girl is bad?
Welcome Back "We Saiyans Have No Limits"
Can achievements still be completed on Practice vs Ai?
The real reason we didn’t get 1% Future 17
I spent 5k cc on a brand new account and got these. Should I carry on or start again
Is it worth investing LL Z Power into a 3 star Goku Black?
Now that we have succession, here are some ideas i had in mind
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle announces this for it's 10 anniversary...what's your reaction?