How I died in hardcore
Game winning blade 4k
Protect your hog
I’m thinking about quitting weed
How do you get that “release” after quitting weed?
Found this on the r/MoiraMains sub
The 5k clutch of dreams
Lower class always tips more than upper/upper middle class
Get Bent
1.6 for consoles
These are the pizzas we threw out on one night of boost week because people didnt pick up their orders, why do they do this to us.
Servers are horrible
Are all Servers bad or is it just in Europe ? ( Sorry for broken english )
What’s the worst non-tip delivery you’ve seen?
What do you do when EVERYONE counterswaps ?
Papa John’s boycott
I physically can't play against Zarya and Mei
Game won't let me change difficulty
what is some Paula Wallace lore that youve heard?
5k blade
Is the pay real?
So, I'm trying to ask all mains this. How much should a Mercy prioritize Junker Queen?
Deflect double kill with junk death mines
Long range blizzard deflect