Does he warp thrallband get insane with the codex?
New to space marines and dark angels
Help learning space marines
I've taken the plunge
First squad of the year
How much kroot in auxiliary cadre
He is finished
Tidewall droneports in auxiliary cadre
Cultist stand-ins
Anyone else prepping their Stormsurge?
Does this work?
Eliminate their force multipliers, storm their objective
Whose ready for the useless Drone detachment GW will gift to us? :)
The alpha legion rises
My hands hurt and I have a headache
Has my Raven Guard Repulsor Executioner ended up more Christmasy than stealthy with the OSL?
Who is Von Ryan and why does he get a Leaper
Any day now...
Starting tau soon anything I need to know
A question about unit like broadside or riptide
Anybody have any clue what bits was used to make this mini?
What’s your Wh40k Christmas wish?(making sense or being remotely possible is optional)
Deception Killteam
Playing a Kratos heavy assault tank
Tau objective holders