Reaper of knowledge
It's nice to see that this clan is somewhat alive
Intense match against Widow
Isn't it the same ?
Back then seasonal skin used to be Chad🗿
I think you players are sad
Excuse me what the actual f--k?
Patience is virtue against Jack, especially when you're overpowered by levels.
What a SCAM Nekki. Need Refund ASAP
Rate the itu play
Ban request
Rant: this subreddit is full of snowflakes, and hypocrits
Widow is a cheap win
Your average Commander's Press user:
Can anyone tell me if there is really a difference between these helga swords? I don't understand which one does more damage to the enemy
Yunlin’s Damage Feels Too Weak – Any Tips?
WHY are you so passive?
Some raw fire man gameplay
Show me faster reflex. I dare you.
It's only me or the bots of this event are incredibly unfair?
Give me your honest opinion
met the worst monkey spammer today
Pookie hong joo