What’s your favorite wholesome joke?
What’s your favorite Smith Family Portrait?
What’s your favorite uncensored line?
What quotes get randomly stuck in your head at the most inopportune times? Heres mine
When has the show mentioned where you’re from?
“Hey, don’t wanna hear the truth? Don’t come to the park.”
Next Episode is going to be lit
Grief ≠ Regret
Why is your favorite funny line from any Scooby Doo cartoon?
The Preceeding Joke was brought to you by MEN! MEN, WE DONT KNOW WHAT WE DID!
What’s your favorite iteration of Brian’s name that Stewie has used?
What is your favorite "coming up" on the news?
American Dad, the second most binged show on streaming services according to Nielsen
Favorite Family Guy line?
Hey Brady, what kinda suit you wanna be buried in?
Why hasn’t Family Guy made a Stalin joke?
How ‘bout THAT side boob?
Thinking about the parallels between Tangled and Hunchback of Notre Dame. What are your thoughts?
I apologize Onward - you are a certified 10/10 movie in my book. My only gripe is that the last minute or two of the movie completely negated the entire friggin' character arc of Barley...
“This is why I’m not worried about ISIS.”
Every Seth MacFarlane animated show has a recurring character inexplicably voiced by a Hollywood legend. Avery is the only one left 😕
What Family Guy quote lives in your head rent free?
What should I get my brother for his birthday?
What’s your favorite fake product?