i found an easter egg in undertale
i need to know
Guys, i made a new character, what name should it have?
hey undyne what does 67x600x100-62x67²+20x30000000x20-12,003,741,675 equal to
Human I remember your meme dump
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This video is almost out for a day and there's already a anti piracy screen video
if u see this type H
what would you do if you find this in your walls?
how many hour this kids spent to write the whole comment
new pluey tweet
Type "My keyboard is" and let autocarrot finish the rest
Kid crashes out over "h :3"
What is this?
Lightly Played
this can’t be real
Um....no thank you.
Who doesn’t love Super Mario World?
It’s worth $60 I swear
This kid will get a nice ass beating today
type "Sonic &" and let Autocomplete finish it