Christmas Night - Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom - Christmas Night
Share your svelte pro tips
What's a subreddit you will never ever join?
Tips for design system
Am I the only one who thinks Tailwind sucks?
I made an extension to make the web more accessible 😃
How do you deal with your workaholic SO?
What's in your mind when you're pushing your last dying rep
How do I create masking effect of a gradient behind these blocks like this?
Deploying sveltekit with websockets
What was your 'it was at that moment that you knew you fucked up' moment?
Big truck did not retract and crashes into a bridge
Jumped before a big yacht crashed right into their boat
What is a new year resolution that most fail to achieve?
What's a little thing you did that you now regret?
What is the little thing you did that gave you an unexpected outcome?
Saltwater Crocodile next to a human
A cloudless morning in London
A cloudless Sunday morning in London
What's something you wish you'd knew before stepping into a new relationship?
ReactJs Interview Failed
What's your backup practice?