New act, new me
Jett Ult vs Iso Barrier
Battle Pass Boost, Efficient?
Best way to deal with toxic buttheads?
Rank up in Valorant with "Atomic Habits"
Guys how’s my Bruise collection
Give Kingdom Credits for Good Behavior
Ranked System
How to clear angles without over exposing yourself when at an angle disadvantage?
Should I get Reyna or gekko
Everyone talks about replay system but what about pause ?
Ping Abusers
mute/disable chat
I hope Neon's teammates were nice to him.
your thoughts on angle snapping?
Hard stuck Bronze… what don’t I understand?
Good agent for low ranks?
Just hit Silver and... wow. Why is everyone so much more toxic here?
Will ADS be the end of me
Experiences with win trading?
Omen can't turn fast enough
i have good aim but i feel like i play the game wrong
Aim trainers
What is happening to me LOL
I'm Stuck in Gold3 and cant move on. Training made me worse