Anyone else who does mostly clipper cuts
Parents who have only one child, do you regret not having a second kid?
Only children playing alone
Excedrin side effects
How do you know how to parent?
Parents with older kids, what do you miss about the 1-3 year old phase?
10 year old daughter asked for clothes that are more “trendy”. Where do I get those?
Tell me the honest truth about more than one kid
No way to pay Rent without a fee
Who remembers Country Village in Bothell?
Way too much screen time during winter break
AITAH for feeling disrespected by my husband’s jokes about me having a c section?
Birthday parties and no gifts?
Alright, which one of you crazies is this?
New carpet 6 months ago but feeling tack strips on stairs.
How often do y’all do date night?
What the heck are these random rogue hairs growing out of a pimple looking thing on my leg?!
AITHA for telling my sisters boyfriend it’s not his business if I don’t want to be a stay at home mom?
How often do you replace your clippers?
Why isn’t my work taking enough taxes out of my paychecks?
I still need a name for this guy… I’ve narrowed it down to: Spencer, Rupert, Ferris, Boris, Moose, or Snake. What’s your fave?
Grandparents want to take 5 year old to Disneyworld
AITAH for going on a trip without my girlfriend since she forgot her passport?
Expensive birthday parties have gotten out of hand. Impossible to keep up.
Currently Panicking Hubby and 3yr old sick. We have a 2 wk old.