someone please help me with humidity
Do you guys recommend a dry hatch in the uk?
will my provisional application be denied with a small descrepency in time lived at address?
Thanks I hate giant centipede
There are six pills in this image.
Nice one Vik 😂😂
Idk why I found this so funny, look at the bottom left when it zooms into Simon’s face
I thought it was filmed over 10 years... damn :/
Why even correct him
We lost a loved one today 😢 He was only 7 months old and he began choking, it was too late by the time I’d arrived 😔 you will be missed my precious baby serama, Mango.
People of Reddit, what is your worst fear and is there a story behind it?
Oh boy that hurts...
She didn’t get the joke...
Reddit users, what's the best takedown of a Karen that you've ever seen or been a part of?
[Serious] What was the worst thing “that kid” did at school?
Relatives of mentally insane people, what’s the craziest thing they’ve done?
We can change anything and make future generations go crazy
Jj caught lackin
CONTAINS VIOLENCE. Cop arrests 20 year old Skateboarder. Investigation is underway. Barrie, ON.
Decided to let my broody hatch a chick, thinking of the name is an issue. Got any suggestions? You can see the mom and dad in the photos below and all the chicks are named after fruit!
She’s heavy, she’s ugly, she’s not finished, but I built her. I can’t wait for the chickens to be ready
Serama bantams, world’s smallest chickens. They grow between 6-10 inches and have the cutest little crows. They usually stand with their heads back and their chests puffed out making them seem “scary”. They are often referred to as “Arnold Schwarzenegger chickens” because of their bizarre posture.