Overheating on 2.4 mg
This season so damn good i don't get the hate
1984: worth it?
What is this weird business?! Posted all over SW Portland.
The most powerful scenes
I can't be the only one that thinks Billy Lourd's character Montana reminds me of some celebrity/singer from the 80s but who!?
Cute drawing of our state
Mare Winningham appreciation post
Deborah Foreman as Julie in 'Valley Girl' (1983)
Which musical artists would you discover, and go on to become a fan of, thanks to their appearance on SNL?
I don't even have words (teeth boots)
Dr. H.H Holmes, the REAL James Patrick March
Zipper merging: How do Portlanders feel about it?
Any apocalypse fans ???
And the family grows
Personal favorite cast member? (any season)
some of the most beautiful girls from rol & fol!!
Who exactly is voting for Liv Osthus and why is she in the top 5 of candidates for mayor?
What season are you currently rewatching?
What quote from a SNL skit do you use in every day life?
Stolen Sculpture in Richmond Neighborhood!
Frances Conroy appreciation post
King Raccon
Do you have a workhorse that you love?