Considering lilac+black scheme
Who is the most underrated character?
Warband scheme
Why were Tony and Carmine Jr so close?
DAE hate gabrielle dante
Champions of Slaanesh should be a maximum beautiful or a maximum terrifying. Do you agree?
What Happened to Christopher and Adriana’s Music Subplot?
2nd edition dark eldar codex?
My headcanon thoughts on our battleline infantry.
Why do Emperor's children often lack noses?
Determined to buy my first keeper of secrets for my upcoming ec army, but struggling to decide to build it as generic or helbane
The urge to buy the old Lucius and put him on the new one's base and pretend like I didn't is real
Guitar Noise Marine..... Should I get him
HH scheme Lord Exultant
These are clearly part of the same cloth
Anyone got a good Alternative or Proxy that well, looks better ? The Rules look fun but the Design simply doesn't work.
Did Carmela refuse to kick up to the big guy after she sold her new build??
30K Fabius
Phoenix Terminators or Chaos Terminators
OPLA s2 bingo card 🌵
Robin! I'm Howard's dad!
Purple armour on cover art
Purple + Gold scheme dead on arrival?
Stupid question but what is the expected gameplay style of the Emperor’s Children?