Do people that suffer from migraines also suffer from other things?
Are you mixed with or come from a minority ethnicity in your country?
Does anyone else feel like Japan is over romanticized and India is over hated?
If Allah is all merciful, then why are most people going to hell?
Is buying new clothes for attending events Islamic or not?
Any IT majors (or anyone really) took Math 125 or IT 102?
Hello. I’d love to learn more about Islam.
Is listening soft music while studying harmful?
School rules on hair
"Pakistan is Improving Regarding Safety & Conflict" ... Thoughts?
Question for women , do you want your husband to be a liberal or a conservative / religious?
saw this going to uni
relatives started crying out loud when they heard a Girl is born
Ayo wtf is this now?
View4View, Sub4Sub,like4like
Sub 4 Sub L4L V4V
Let's s4s l4l v4v (only perma subs)
What’s a non-physical quality that can make someone instantly unattractive, no matter how good they look?
A young girl, a survivor of war in Gaza, delivers a powerful message to U.S. President Donald Trump, challenging him with biting sarcasm
i always get really sad and annoyed when people call me sada or shareef/innocentn
A poll / question regarding household environment
How can I; a black woman impress my Pakistani boyfriend’s parents?
Is the far right or far left in your country more harmful?
Will the professor accept my email?
Also true for Pakistan