How do you keep your concentration throughout the day at an office job?
What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received?
Which season were Titans at their scariest?
What is that one piece of fiction you wish you could experience again for the first time?
DAE wake up every morning with a random song playing in their head?
new pms symptoms after getting copper iud
What are some things you want to see in S3?
I just finished aot last night and the ending messed me up
Should I take it out?
First time getting an IUD
Copper IUD aftercare
You are at a party. Which character would you trust most to hold your drink?
I need advice. Is this normal?
I need advice. Does anyone recognise this?
The Netherlands
What else should I read?
What’s the biggest scam people still fall for?
DAE Try to learn a new language for about a week and then stop?
What is your irregular fear or phobia?
What is most certainly not better with friends?
What is the most utter bullshit you have ever seen?
What crazy thing happened in 2020 that has already been forgotten about?
What's the most passive-aggressive thing to say?
How would you like your potatoes?