apartment recommendations/good areas to look in?
how is everyone affording ozempic????
can your partner cum in you on the pill?
I feel like I need to drop out
Did anybody here pick UF over an Ivy?
We all like to eat
hair salon recommendations for a reasonable balayage?
How is UF College of engineering
Is there anybody here who has an apartment with a car and is working a $18/hr job?
Looking for help choosing between UCF and UF
Where did you meet your boyfriend?
Here’s why I think giving the person you broke up with another chance makes sense…
Day 3 of trying to get a comment from every county (WE FINISHED MASSACHUSETTS! also I did not get some of you because I was sleeping and at work)
Finally adopting a cat after years of waiting! What should i name her?
Which UF professor did you have the worst experience with?
Is it true that people you meet on dating apps are generally less attractive than people you'd meet in person?
Are your 20s supposed to feel like this?
Graduating and having a dysfunctional family
Question for college educated women: would you date a man that doesn’t have a college a degree? Why or why not?
failed my first class
Too ugly to date?
will going to two different community colleges affect my admission chances?
What age did you feel your most physically beautiful?
I envy the people who lost it early
Should I not go on dates whilst I don't have a job?