Lapis fang blade again?
Not to sound like an absolute idiot but…
Shonen Protagonist Sense of Mercy
So are they going to make over billion dollars with the Trilogy ? I have very good estimates that they will cross above that.
The writers ruined Chloe and her purpose in the show
What If Iron Man became Dr. Doom?
Oh no.. what did they do to roses design?!
Anybody know how to get the Genma hair shinobi striker?
Miraculous Season 6 Character Designs
Day 16,what are your unpopular Opinions on our trans queen herself, Sallie Mae?
What the hell weapon was that?
What's Left
What manga do you think deserves an anime
I still can't believe Kubo did this
Hell's REAL Boss?
Name ideas for rooster miraculous hero
What DON'T you want to see in the new season?
Heroes Upgrade
Anyone else hype for this game (My only concern is that I’m gonna suck at it lol)
Favorite weapon in the game?
Shonen Protagonist Mentality
how do you fumble this badly
Thoughts on the game currently
Moxxie's Hesitation
Studio Bones had ONE job!