Tell me your favorite state flag
Which subreddits would you say are the most open, the most "free-speechiest" on Reddit?
Star Wars lines made better by inserting swear words.
Can we stop letting people that don’t know either history at about 1925-now or psychology talk about us😭😭.
does anyone else squeak when they’re really really happy?
how do you make friends if you hate small talk?
This is not okay. Please be careful not to fall down these beliefs.
Just saw an early showing of Nosferatu, might be one of the most disturbing movies(that wasn’t made solely to be as disturbing as possible) I’ve ever seen. (Spoiler kinda, I don’t describe any of the actual plot. Just some content)
When "The Nameless" hit's the 3:28 time mark and you get hit with a symphony of feels
What’s one of your favorite lesser known songs??
Who is the worst rapper you've ever listened to?
Sorry, this is the VIP only area, do you know the entry password?
Made another custom iowa criag
Where I would live as a Canadian
The one who would not put his hand on his heart
already jacked off 3 times today
We DO judge
things you shouldnt be putting up your butt
Do you fw my style :3
Are there any asexuals out there that are just genuinely afraid or disgusted by sex in general?
What’s the dumb reason why you picked your instrument?
Wrong answers only!
what’s new
Name an annoying thing people base their entire personality around.