Mad Maggie in Comp?
ALGS / Apex Current Status?
Recent balancing is all about "shaking things up and getting people off their mains" (developer interview)
Protein intake
How the FUCK did he manage this
Need encouragement
should i give Yeezus a full try
Percentages and Numbers in Federal Resume
Does Time of Application matter?
Microsoft releases a new Windows app called Windows App for running Windows apps
Purchasing first car - Dealership is offering to match down payment
I think this should be your first car
Picked this up - 2024 SR
Weird format printing
Roast my Resume - Looking to Apply to IT position
I'm a very late bloomer. And I did it.
Does anyone else have a hard time dating/finding a relationship?
How hard is it to get into IPO
Explain to me how 20+15-300/100 =32 please?
20+15-300/100 = 32 ?
Bob is pushing a 100lb box up a rap x feet long with a vertical gain of y feet, how much effort?
What is the voltage across 30ohm at .025 amps?
Quad Kill with CL-40
Recon sense is killing this game.