So.. what edition of MHWilds are you all buying?
I'm curious which artist he or she is talking about.
What’s the highest it goes?
Bombed building
Most annoying B99 character?
Do you guys think marvel rivals will ever add invisible woman’s dumbass 90’s costume?
Are they foreal with this jump?!? Mannnnnnn
On a scale of 1 to delete it, how cursed is this?
Is there a mod that let you pick any weapon from the begging of the game?
La Pucelle Tactics: how does its post game compare to Disgaea?
just a reminder that Castlevania Nocturne came out today and it's fucking awesome
One of the best hand held games ever.
Is my art bad if I can never win any competitions?
So I'm not the only one that thinks this thingy on the Switch 2 is a disaster in the making, right?
Sailor Moon: Strong woman, anime legend and yet- frequently dosent appear in anime rec lists. Why?
Hey guys. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions given the current situation of the SM fandom especially here in Reddit.
Can the Game Boy Micro play Gameboy Color games? Are they compatible?
Former PlayStation President Shuhei Yoshida Weighs In On Bloodborne's Future, "Miyazaki Doesn't Want Anyone Else to Touch It"
You don't deserve Street Fighter
How to even START tackling 4's Post game?
Manon Fanart
I drew a rough sketch of omega zero with zero's original body
Curious,Which hot take about the Digimon franchise will have you like this?
Can I update my Sysnand with the nintendo original update method?