Curious for those who played SW1
1, 2, 3, or 4
Slab of sentient ham
42-year-old trying to get back out there
Tanto of Slashing for Debra or legendary and whatever left for 20 tokens?
Guess his name?
f23 unemployed loser, please roast me
F18, do your worst lol
Am I ugly? 28F
18M i challenge you to roast me without any indian jokes go!
I got trap into floor with no way out (help)
30M -- Dumped AND laid off last year. Tell me how 2025 will go for me
If you spent $70-80 on wiz ,, are you considered whale hahahah ?!
Anyone knows how to fix the X button (controller) not working on Steam?
Alright bitches bros and nonbinary hoes let's see what you got
Octonarus secret stash
How dare I make up an analogy
AIO my friend (m22) is dating a high schooler (f17)
Do your worst Daemon.
Beard is coming in well, sadly army regulation only lets you grow it to 2 inches with a religious accommodation, but hey I'll take it!
Never knew this game is actually a platformer
My bf '20M' of 5m wont touch me '19 F' Updated!
Got a text from a random number. Little did she know that I am the booty genie.
(21F) I would like to ask for your most sincere rating for me. I feel a little fat but at work and neighbors say I'm chubby, although I think they're kind.
Is this gross?