Could I be punished for reporting multiple players under suspicion of something? (ToS1)
What is something your partner does that drives you nuts, but you know they can't help it (or it is part of who they are) so you keep it to yourself?
Exe somehow tried to push me, made town believe I was confirmed town. I was not.
Banned for "multiaccounting" ??
I'm (f26) the problem in my relationship with my partner (m22) and I feel like i should leave?
What's a normal amount of time to spend with your LDR partner?
i got suspended (TOS1)
Got banned for calling someone "downie american"
So is this game just not moderated anymore?
AITAH for telling my (f26) Mom (f55) that I cannot come to Christmas because she won't make an effort with my partner?
AITAH for (f25) "controlling" my bf (m22) because he cannot keep his priorities in check?
I'm (f22) at my wits ends about my bfs (m22) priorities, am I being too harsh?
Playing with the same name
ADVICE: MY bf (m22) and I (f25) might be at our breaking point, is it time to end it?
My bf (m22) and I (f25) are at a breaking point in our relationship, and I'm struggling to know if it's worth holding on to. Please help?
AITAH for being upset that my (f25) bf (m22) said women's struggle to climax is a trade off for our societal benefits?
AITAH for considering going LC with my (f25) Mom (54f) over a birthday cake?
they're showing her who she is, an inferior human
Talk about the future with my (f25) LDR boyfriend (m22) took a bad turn
Constant self sabotage
How do people cope?
Feeling resentment (idk what else to call it)
First time crafting goblet using Sanctifying Elixir. (This would have taken me years if it weren't for this new system. 😭)
I'm married but I'm not married?