Skin rash??
5 days PO right ankle - healing tips?
ABE notices/ notifications.......Illinois
Octapharma Transfers
Octapharma to Venmo doesn't work?
Just got my fist hematoma 🙃
I'm thinking of applying to be a CTA bus operator; what can I expect from the process and the job?
I Didn’t Kill My Family. But They Think I Did
Donating plasma
Is it safe to Drink water every 30 minutes?
Teacher Asking Student To Do Something Against IEP
Sick of getting sick
Parents today? YOU SUCK.
I keep asking God for forgiveness for a reoccurring sin. And I feel bad about it
Only those who repent, accept Jesus as their savior and Lord and do his will are going to heaven.
The Big Book of Why You're Not Getting Studies, aka "Why is it slow?" - a reference guide
Veins going bad??
Had a 154 bpm soon as I left 82 bpm
I work at CSL Plasma, AMA
Do I need social for octapharma 6 months return donor
Does Ventra card cost money
Seeing stars
Went to donate for the first time, immediately kicked out
What's in my Plassing Bag? Today I bring you what I usually pack with me or take before donating for a successful donation. Everyone's different but here's what I bring to pass vitals and be in and out without discomfort.
Lowered Donor Fees CSL