Whitney is no joke (SS)
Advice on buying older figures?
Stonehorns/Thundertusks dont need a refresh
9/23 EDH banlist update
What happens if you face Midra as the lord of the frenzied flame?
Donkey Kong help. Is it a lost cause?
"Inverse Highlighting" and "Contrasting highlights"
Filian kuru kuru
Interesting. I thought it would have been more expensive. It does lead to interesting world building
Which armies have the worst battleline?
a commission <3
Filian is Gonna go after me for this
rkgk <3
What divine spells do you like for signature spells?
Gutrippaz musician, nob, banner bearer?
I play with a friend for a while. I decided to go on a tournament in few weeks, for the first time. Would you give up Kruleboyz for a tournament ? I also play nighthaunt.
Matte varnish over Satin varnish
I play hedonites and I have never gone above 24 dp points
Should Bug Yellerz even bother with Gutrippaz?
WIP/Prototype - First AoS model ever!
Kruelboys are someones pet project at GW
Kruleboyz Monsters Damage Comparison
Why don't bombs target saving throws?