So what class do you plan to play for season 8?
Your Sound Trolley
Best Job I ever had
A Coon's Guide to Conducting Desert Raiding Ops and the Effective use of Dust Storms as Cover - A USMC Heist Story
War in science fiction universes:
Haboob Racoons of Afghanistan
If you need some motivation today
What's your best memory the army gave you?
Why the fuck do I want back in so bad
Not sure if this is the right sub, but what would the purpose of parachuting while carrying a nuclear warhead?
Best Omaha mechanic that won't screw me
I got this weird email
I just saw this movie for the first time
A question for the investigators
At a crossroads
Is it a poor decision to come into the army as a prior service 36-year-old?
What is the most sexually taboo sounding kink that is actually quite vanilla in practice?
First Time Outside Sales Roll
Does a new sci-fi setting require human characters to hold the attention of general audiences?
What are some military stereotypes that Hollywood exaggerates?
Father pulled up quick when a man was yelling at his son and baby mother
"I know I "owe" you like a dollar and you'll have to kill me for it!" -Libright probably
For all your heroic needs