Found my car like this after my first day on a new job, can it be patched or should i replace the rubber?
I don’t understand anger
Have i messed up?
Combined different artworks together while at work
Is it real?
Quick sketch at work
[WP] After they killed my father i cried... I cried a lot. Now i owe it to him to make their children cry as much as i did."
Mercedes 190E City - the unholy child of a Merc and a Golf
Care sunt cele mai creative/amuzante înjurături pe care le-ati auzit?
What's the best swear that you have ever heard?
Vă rog eu să-i puneți subtitrări lui Sorin
Where can i find a dress like this one, with the upper part
i dreamt of the devil
it doesn't just end there!
Care era motivu principal pentru care te bătea mă-ta sau tactu cu cureaua?
BAC 2021
Beautiful RS4-R [3264x2448] OC
What are some fun facts about the human body?
Creatie proprie
Deja la alt nivel
I hate it when that happens
Agony, if you will
If at first you don't succed...
It's said that guys with big feet have big penises, and guys with big cars have small penises