Who loved Susanna Hoffs?
How do I get my parents to stop making jokes about me and my boyfriend having sex?
I feel this one hard
What was your “I’m dating/married to a fucking idiot” Moment?
Hetero aces, do you call yourself queer?
Is this Ace tattoo a bad idea?
I hate sex but my boyfriend can’t go without it…..Advice needed
Identifying as ace but not willing to be in a sex-less relationship?
I actually love being Asexual
Being ace sucks
Do you consider hetero aces to be part of the LGBTQ+?
Seeking feedback from Married or Long-Term Couples
we’re pregnant!
Incognito mode and tabs placed 'on hold'
Have any aces wanted to have kids?
Is it okay if I want to look pretty even though I am asexual(aego but still)?
Am I really asexual?
All aces: How often do you masturbate? (None is fine too)
Anyone else experience this? Anyone sex neutral who has tips for getting motivated for the sake of your loved ones?
Does anybody else actually mourn being allosexual?
I've never had a sexual dream in my life (44F)
I think this is pretty ace
Has anyone else *become* ace over time?