Tetszik a legjobb barátom húga, mit tegyek?
What’s your opinion on this
Aligning canvas to the center
Your favourite power metal vocalist
Opinions about Manuskript?
Which add-ons work for The Wheel of Time?
band/artist start with the letter P
what are your most gut-wrenchingly sad songs (that aren't explicitly romantic)?
Your favorite video game OSTs
Recommend me your favorite albums and I'll rate them. Any genre!
Can someone suggest me music bands/music? No generic ones tho
give me the most soul aching songs you can
“Tiltott” szerelem
Luffy asks you to join his crew, your last emoji is your reaction.
Im drunk and depressed give me awesome music for this.
Music to start fights to
Day 2 - Which Black Clover character immediately comes to your mind when you see this color? - Black
If you were in Black Clover what magic type would you have? (Can be custom)
Day 1 - Which Black Clover character immediately comes to your mind when you see this color? - Purple
Best HS YouTubers
Mikor érdemes passziváltatni egy egyetemi félévet?
i’m sure this question has been asked a million times, but i thought i’d revitalize it. out of every gotei 13 captain given screen time, who is your favorite and why?