Is it me…?
Tracy Angelica Quartermaine is why GH is still the best soap in daytime!
The end of the world as we know it
Lucy Coe has always seemed Wacky Harmless to me
Sarah needs to stop…
The reveal that Philip is committing fraud is happening too fast
Taboo Soap storylines
What GH rewrite lives rent free in your head?
Why did a minor have to travel out of state for an abortion?
What has been the biggest middle finger to fans in the history of GH?
Is there a soap opera character from any show you love that no matter how many awful or stupid things they do you'll still defend like a lawyer keeping them out of prison??
The Blonde “recap” lady is too annoying
Tell me, if anything, are you decent under those sheets?
Natalia Grace Interviews….
Leslie Charleson has passed
Are there any other queer people that watch soap operas?
Which is worse?
Lucy Coe
B&S: is this supposed to be parody?
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So crazy I had to post
Any one have suggestions for soap operas besides gh?