God forbid a girl be afraid
One-Item Monke Build in Cycle 18
Do you think this is enough Quality?
I thought I was being really clever using food-based health regen when taking on Jotun. Here's how that went:
Any Survivor-only weapons you wish were in DRG?
ELI5 : how can brute forcing password still exist if sites lock the account after several failed attempts?
Massive gold heist being investigated at Toronto Pearson Airport
Crytek's latest plan to get players to queue for night maps...
One Of These Days, I'll Learn...
I’ve never used any of the circled spices and I probably never will.
Am I tripping or did they squoosh the vandal in the library?
Färre papperskorgar = renare Malmö
Vilken ostar är bra?
Don’t ask why, but what vibes does this give off?
This is my rabbit Herbie. He doesn’t chew on wires or furniture , or anything other than his food for that matter. Should I be concerned?
I'm not making any progress because I'm too focused to think of the best way to approach things
FYI: Industrial Revolution 3 is here!
mig på 1 november:
do gamedevs find it hard to immerse themselves into games after knowing all the smoke and mirror techniques used in games
Self-taught game developer from Russia about to be mobilized
She keeps escaping from her cage 😭😂
Obesity Rates in Europe vs the USA
Me: Mom, can we have Nitrogen Monoxide?
The fish keep blocking my landfill placement - Is there a way to prevent this?
I've decided to learn Godot and it feels like I have "lost"