What are your experiences with Xometry?
What are the realistic levels of accuracy you can expect from a Lee Enfield? (See comments)
Is there a modification (in Europe) for the wave+/signal, that let's you store the long MUT bits on the handle like the MUT.
What kind of bird could leave these kind of poop?
What book made you cry uncontrollably?
My boss wants me to learn a new language in 3 months or else I'm fired
Let's pay a game! Drop the language you are currently learning and someone who has learnt the language already will drop a useful Youtber they follow.
How do you adjust the front sights on a No1 without a proper device?
Am I putting the rifle on the wrong place of my shoulder, or I'm simply a pu**y?
Could that litte brass/metal part on this SNLE forestock be there to prevent further splitting?
TISAS Zig M1911 SS
Any advice on cleaning and maintenance?
Just got my first SMLE (yey) and need help with identification.
HS-9 Tactical FDE experiences?
HS -9 Tactical experiences?
Got myself a German newspaper from 1915. thought some of you might appreciate it. It was really cheap actually, less than a can of coke
First time Lee Enfield buyer. MK III or NO 4 MK I? (More bellow)