I genuinely don't get why so many people get worked up about the "Confessions Of A Rotten Girl" song.
What have you bought seconds of for your home that made a big difference?
The way people start a reply to a comment on reddit with the word "This"
How long does your battery last?
Yes, I do like Chapell Roan and girl in red, but what about...
What’s the most genius ship name that you have come across?
Screw fire, earth, air, and water. Give me your weird ideas for elemental systems
I’m one of those people that random people take the piss out of
Body hygiene routine
Has anyone noticed a shift since the latest generation of readers came out, particularly the Kobo Libra Color and the Clara Colour?
In honour of Skype closing down, here's a banger that samples the iconic ringtone.
Who is your "screw META, I love this" character?
What is Joel’s Winner celestial body thing?
Choosing an e-reader is exhausting
Lush Banning Sellers on eBay: What’s Really Going On?
Are we using ‘Cop’ now? Keep seeing people referring to policemen as cops. Bobby, Rozzer, Old Bill even Copper - all acceptable in good ol’ British English!
Don’t think I’ll be working for lush much longer
One of Many comments on my fic
The new event is an interesting look into the pscyhology of the modern gamer
Well this was interesting to read…
AITAH for pointing out to my gf that what she did to me would be considered SA if the roles were reversed?
Do most of you read on your phones or use a specific gadget?
Recently banned from Tesco for “stealing” 2 bananas
Are black and white e-readers being phased out in favor of colour screens?
Black polyester puffy coats being the most popular thing to wear