There’s a reason
Got a 30¢ raise stay mad 😝😝😝
Partners no longer allowed to use plastic cups
Starbucks advertisement where partner is out of dress code ?
How do you get the speed limit on the dash?
Can you plz SAY ICED!
im begging yall to stop
These customers are actually insane.
Gave my humper some steroids and now he's pushing cars, how do I punish him?
1 WP (Wunkus power)
Why hambir jiggle its fat so much
Or you just emptied the packet...
Bought acne patches from the store, opened the package when I got home and its empty...
Angus Barbieri was a Scottish man who fasted for over a year with no ill effects.
Finally got my dream ride!!
This woman never had a baby bump throughout her pregnancy
i WISH we could put up signs like this
Can’t live in peace
First time in the snow.
How much money do you make?
here’s my stupid fucking virgin hamster that has never felt the touch of a woman
Payday :(((
How do I tell this customer off?? (in a way that won’t get me written up)
Dung beetle casually running over frogs with its big ball of poo
Does anyone actually enjoy the music on our playlists?
Same but different
What’s something most Americans have in their house that you don’t?