[CHAT] How hard is 25 count aida to work with?
Moving down a banding with plans to move up quickly later, what entitlement will I lose (if any)?
Unicorn? And no idea the blue one
[CHAT] Looking for an artist to convert this image into a cross-stitch pattern
[WIP] 34.52% Completed on my Ugly Duchess stitch. Confetti to the max!
[CHAT] Does lots of confetti always mean a bad quality pattern?
[FO] Guess the musicals I saw in January!
Most obnoxious champ to face in ARURF?
[WIP] 25% complete, still a long way to go...
[WIP] Only 5% left to go! That highlight on his hair though. 😲
Has anyone tried replacing the legs on the Friheten sofa before?
[CHAT] Has anyone stitched this design?
[CHAT] Need Help With A Gift Design For My Daughter
[WIP] 7741 stitches complete, 38733 to go...
[FO] Finished my mom's Christmas present before I get to see her this weekend!
[FO] gummy venus de milo
[WIP] After a month of stitching
Unreal first night in London
What time is ben starting his set in this tour?
[CHAT] how long does it take for you to finish a project.
[WIP] I love how some completed areas need a different perspective for the image to make sense
[CHAT] Is there a way to change the grid colour on the Pattern Keeper Ap?
Real Floridian of genius.
[CHAT] Aida conversion question
Pixel fold trade-in