Some of the creepiest shots from 'Knock It Off'
The local library had Serj's memoir. What is your guys' favorite parts of it?
We’re only 7 episodes away from the finale. What are your predictions?
Be honest. (i made image)
Never Watched any Dragon Ball Episode Before!!
Remember the Sonic Adventur 3 fan comic from 2005 that "predicted" Boom Knuckles?
James being autistic makes a lot of sense to me because I´m actually on the spectrum
I’m going to miss this show when it finishes
Matthew Yglesias: colossal brainworms and left-wing derangement syndrome
Who is this guy? Wrong answer only
Any game with this kind of vibe?
I have to show my parents SOAD songs....
Los CH word :)
Chileno es detenido por asesinar a golpes a un hombre en EE.UU.: Había ingresado hace 11 días con una visa waiver
Anime similar to DBZ?
El Home Design Expo es el DashCon de PR 😂
I actually love slice of life filler in Dragon Ball series
Episode 13 & episode 1 dub.
Acording to Google Joe rogan's Height 5′ 8″ & Mark Zuckerberg's Height 5′ 7″
Frustratingly Boring
A McDonald's I worked at posted this with zero heads up
Am I going crazy?
Elasticity EP
My Sonic Sprite Edit
Por que no nos unimos? Todos hablamos latinx
Why don't these countries unite? They all speak Mexican