Giving you these stats based off of your avatar! White means an applied stat. Blue means no applied stat.
3 umbra giveaway ig
Can anything replace homura?(shadowgirl)
Predictions for Aizen's Value?
I want Cid
pre trading
I’m a returning player after ages and have a few questions.
What perk can't you live without?
Pretrading this dude
Gilgamesh giveaway
Is Ainz Limited?
How much for cid?
Trading these
What are some of y'alls AA pet peeves
What's the first secret I should go for at lvl 40
How long did it took yall to evo griffith
what are some solid units to kill air enemies i should go for?
People playing without W.O.O., how do you do it?
What's your new game?
My game will not load
Chloe ssr
How much has everyone spent?
Ball Hogs Are Outta Control
My personal view on current character tier list (max prestige, skills, and ability cards)
Macro User?