would love to be drawn like a video game character with my body type:]
My cat smells a little weird
$25 per cigarette.
22 Femboy, feeling way too Confident today, can you humble me?
22 years old been called High to looking like Squidward give it your best shot I don't get hurt easily.
Guy, 18 do your worst
Men of Reddit, how do you feel about being catcalled?
make me cry i love feeding my insecurities (good photos of me so imagine how bad when not trying) i just can’t handle the idea of my true ugliness on the internet lol !
Nežinomi lietuviški numeriai kur kalba rusiškai
Thoughts on €1000 per moth
Itsy bitsy
I got my mamas good looks but god cursed me with my dads Turkish nose
What to do with this space?
How did you become friends with coworkers?
When did you realize you were an adult?
What's the weirdest thing you ever saw?
Home made chicken soup anyone?
Knee was necessary?
Kiek daugiausiai laiko esate pradirbe ne atostogų?
What’s something you wish people would stop romanticizing?
What drink will go best with this meatball & spaghetti 🍝?
Sugrizimas i lietuva
What can I put on these stairs?
Dovanėlė mums Kovo 11-osios proga :)
Kaip darot su padangom?