Tired of seeing there subtle disgusting videos on YouTube kids. The settings are for the lowest age possible
My 72 year old Dad still plays 10 hours every single day!
GTA 6 Delayed
Hope everyone is prepared for the UFO invasion tomorrow!!! :)
I had been wearing my slippers for about 10 minutes this morning when I felt something cold on my foot…
The police in Dongemond, the Netherlands have found this 2-kilogram garden gnome made entirely of MDMA.
Found 2 unused 1987 Disney One Day Passports in a Stephen King book I picked up
My respects to this man for going above and beyond in lending a helping hand.
What was this card for? My SIL found these in an old family desk recently. Would have been issued around the 70’s and they were both signed with a photo on the card.
Are we living in an alternate reality ?? The circus has just begun I am assume ….
What’s the story about this flower
NICU Halloween Costume
I don't know where to look
Cheap move at the finish or no?
Georgia ID? Found a big patch of mushrooms growing against a railroad tie in my backyard. Anything interesting?
What’s the dumbest way u have died in a GR game?
it‘s all ok
Stone mountain
Yay another star wars mod 🫣
C-Section in 2 weeks 🙃
You’re bleeding out profusely after a fatal car accident and only have 3 minutes to live, what song do you want playing in the background?
Potty Training Timeline
Always check your mirrors before exiting the vehicle
[Q] In a lottery, does a set of numbers (which has never been selected before) have a slightly higher odd of being selected than a number set that has been chosen as a winner before?