She deleted her comment to me, commented a second time, then deleted my entire comment. 😂
NOW being a Gigi????
How did this happen?
Jan 1st-15th Shopping
My gf told me she's pregnant but this test was negative when she took it in front of me. What should I do?
Remind you all of anyone?
Anyone wondering how long until they move again?😂😂😂😂
Fishing on his kayak
Our skinny queen with the size 15 shoe✨️✨️🫶
Instances of an insufferable idiot
caught in those lies 🤥🤥🤥
Okay which one of you did this?
Help!!!! spray can job gone wrong.
That many calories for not even a WHOLE CUP??
Make the comments look like big dawns search history
Make it look like Abby’s search history ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Convertible car seat
Sugar FREE 🧼
Break down coming soon
6 month PARTY
What!? 🤡
They just throw the older girl to the wolves… Interesting she says they tried for “years” but Drue said the same thing but it was just a few months…
I bet nothing's in that cup 🙄She just wanted a cutesy picture. Sooo I wonder who her husband is sleeping with tonight 😂😂😂
This is just so ridiculous
Am I getting scammed with photo ?