“Hey siri/siri, not working after update?
Holy shit bro this vinyl is crazy
Anyone have experience with the fall detection
Safe compact NON quick chargers - do they exist???
Cracked trackpad
Make the comments look like the maus' search history
Should I shut down my macbook every time? Or should I just close the lid? Or should i make it sleep? What’s the best way?
any advice?
MacBook 12 inch Still receiving updates. Should I be happy!!!!!??
Govee Table Lamp H6055
Had to repost this is too funny(and real)
Recommended charge limit
Bought the $9000 topmost variant of Macbook Pro and it died within 2 weeks
How do I fix this??
It's says 0 days of 5 even though I'm currently at a 15 day streak
15+ in 2025
don’t sleep on the bose trade in program
I caved in and bought one.
If you’re on the fence w the Rainbow screws, they look awesome!
Bose QC Ultra black vs white
Turn crown to eject - is there any way to bring it back?
New to RGB, Lost on What Product to Use
Drunk slept, just before sleeping it was 44.
Start of theater room build
What is this…Houston