BFs>Exs. My mains though out the years.
900 reward which UR should i take?
For what characters crit medals are good?
How’s the internet situation for you folks here?
What's a A.D.A degree?
Starter Bundle lll
Can someone tell me which one ove these 5 is the best to take
Which one to get for spare coins?
Tough choice.
Should i keep summoning for someone or save for new years? I’m f2p so gems are precious to me
This is wrong emote, Shanks (Get More Combos 😭)
Se ling account 7DS, price negocitade
Hopefully these bad boys get buffed next time.
Finally the day came , but how good they're gonna be after buffs
Chaos battle mirror match
This a huge W
As a UTA V3 player I am telling u if I don't capture the first flag I can't defend it. it's not ego it's my traits
What are your guesses for the next April Fool's unit? I'll go first
New player, who should I use one step on?
Olin can nullify status effects but def needs a buff.
She's Mid
Guys am I doing good?