Considering that Hokazono was a big fan of Naruto I’m thinking this will happen at the end of Part 1 leading to a potential timeskip afterwards
In story how many days are left before samura next attack on the swordbearers???
What do we know about this person so far? Any theories?
Why the hell do so many people think Samura is going to die so early?
What if Chihiro and Hiruhiko join forces?
How would rank the anti sojo squad in terms of individual performances???
Not talked about enough just how busted kuguri is gonna be once he gets an enchanted blade
Sou babaca por c*gar nas calças?
Sazanami clã
Samura's Speed
I really want Samura to be long term antagonist, but i am afraid that he may die in this arc. Any hopes?
Because this seems to be a popular topic now, who is your favorite and least favorite villain that Chihiro has fought?
Uso de IA
Will Chihiro use two swords?
Eu sou babaca por me divorciar com 9 meses de casada?
What do you think this guys are doing? And why hasn't takeru barely even mentioned them in this arc
Alguém entraria em um RPG literário?
If you could have your own Enchanted Blade, what abilities would it have and how would you use it?
Why did kunishige make the 7th blade?
Chihiro forged understanding
A filosofia das lâminas, quando ideais colidem
Escrita em primeira pessoa ou terceira?
Me conectar com mais escritores