AITA for telling the truth about why I ended my engagement to my ex's parents and grandparents?
Swift instead of niddy noddy?
So smol
My husband said my WIP looks like it has an anus and I can't unsee it
What does this dog’s body language mean?
molten glass is spun into shape
AITA for not deleting all my backups of my art like dad told me to and letting him punish me instead?
Let the fun begin
Knitting machine
Hard yarn
I tried and kinda failed XD
My first wrestling match with Malabrigo Nube fiber - Release the Kraken!
My family blames me because I don't wants my little cousin seeing me naked
Worsted spinning help please?
New(ish) party, new(ish) bar
Will I ruin this dress?
Mother Nature doesn't care who you voted for.
My sister (32 F) called CPS on my husband and I. Now that the case has been closed, I have no idea how to confront her.
Drum carding troubleshooting
WIBTA if I prevented my anti-vaxxer mom from meeting her first grandchild for refusing to get the TDAP booster?
Words of wisdom
It’s not a top. It’s a bra
All the lines being crossed here
Thats one way to do it
What's the hottest thing someone has ever whispered in your ear?