Any college students here
Hi everyone!
Match dekhcho keo ?
Need some recommendations on food and sweets..
What are your plans for tommorow, adda deoa jak
Bengali songs
Which class you all are in?
"Best places to eat in Kolkata - A complete guide." Day 1 - Best Bengali food place ?
What book are you reading?
Humko Rana ji maaf karna!!
Ajke gechilam date e
What are you all watching?
Ki boi porchen sokole???
Do Kolkata teens still listen to Bengali Rock?
teens of kolkata, what niche hobbies do you have?
Find your birthday twin!!
What does your first name mean???
Idk if it’s the right place to post, but any tea on Ritwik Bhowmik?
Book review of the mostly sane's book too good to be true
কোথায় থাকছেন আজ রাত ১২ টায়?
Research participants required
Kolkata comics Karnival - Kolkata's biggest Anime, Cosplay, Comics and pop culture festival.
Christmas week is here...
Dekhi dekhi