Norepinephrine enhances all my brain functions.(ADHD)
Idk How the f this happens, but maybe you should try too
Damaged by psych meds
My boyfriend wants to increase his sex drive to match mine
Alternatives to ADHD Medication
If you could only afford to get 2 or 3 items? Which would they be?
Thinking of stopping TRT after 2 years.
Any supplement that boost energy and make you feel good instantly?
Which is a better look for my skin, the beard or clean shaven?
Patients on GLP-1 RAs exhibited a 195% higher risk of major depression, a 108% increased risk for anxiety, and a 106% elevated risk for suicidal behavior.
What supplement(s) genuinely changed your life for the better?
Goyard cosmetics bag from Mangopurses
Testosterone replacement therapy is removing the anhedonia
Inflammation-Lowering Potential of Tirzepatide vs. Retatrutide
What is your daily stack and why do you swear by it?
How to go from being a thin guy to healthy handsome body?
fungal acne? damaged skin barrier? closed comedones?
What are small changes or habits you’ve adopted that ended up making a big difference in your overall well-being?
Anyone know how to get rid of visceral fat?
Do not take 7oh
Long-term use
Is Skinceuticals C E Ferulic the “only” vitamin c serum worth the money?
When’s the best age (if any) to start metformin for longevity?
TRT Dosage Advices!!!
Craving sugar