How does everyone feel about Bill Potts?
Guess the year I was born in based on these images
the penguins won! who is a *mostly well-liked side character*?
Favourite (favorite) character who looks identical to humans but isn't a human?
Favorite non-human character?
Guess what year I was born
Where are your fingers… seriosly?
Gen Z, What Is a Movie That Perfectly Represents This Image in Your Opinion’s?
I am looking for a new, creative name for this bot
Favorite Charact Whose Death Absolutely Destroyed You
which moment in Doctor who hooked you. this one is mine.
What's your favorite comfort character? :3 Here's mine!
I’m out of memes I need some
Favorite not confirmed but definitely autistic character?
Reply with your best slogans/quotes
what are crossover figures that you want in the future?
Favorite black character?
Favorite character you’ve cosplayed?
Favorite character who's racist again humans?
Day #1: What is the BEST Doctor Who episode?
Who is your favorite character who suffered the most?
Which Cyberman design is the best?
Have you heard of the Bus Stop Burglar?
What is your dream historical event / time frame for a doctor who episode ?
Favorite character who isn’t from any of these works?